Wednesday, 25 February 2015


Through the collection and analysis of secondary research reviewing the forces exerted upon humans carrying water in sub-saharan Africa, I was able to learn that the current techniques used to transport liquids (on top of the head in a bucket) are detrimental to human health, often causing musculoskeletal disorders to develop. 

With this information in mind, I started to develop a range of products that can help to surpass or solve the physical problems associated with transporting water, splitting my designs into two subsections; 
  • On-body transportation. 
  • Off-body transportation. 

On-body designs aimed to create ways for people transporting water to do so using their bodies, but in a way in which the force is distributed across a larger surface area than the head, subsequently helping to reduce the force exerted on the body of the carrier. 

Off-body designs aimed to create ways for people to transport water without overly using their bodies, similarly to the Hippo Roller reviewed as part of my initial research. 


Designs created during the design development stage of the project are displayed below; 




Of the two design classifications I felt that ideas created for the on-body transportation of water were much more effective and plausible than the off-body methods, which were a lot more experimental. 

The problem I encountered when creating off-body methods related directly to the fact that the Hippo Roller already utilises the optimum technique for transporting water. Any ideas I created simply tried to (unsuccessfully) reinvent it. 

Despite this I plan to present all ideas to Laura in our next group meeting. 

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