Wednesday, 11 February 2015


Today, me and Joe presented our BAGD Yearbook proposal presentation to a small group of students and course administrators. 

Overall, I feel that the presentation went really well, the presentation was produced to a high standard and helped to keep the audience engaged while simultaneously communicating important information about our proposal. Furthermore, both me and Joe spoke clearly and made eye contact with the audience throughout the presentation, all aspects that Ian Anderson suggested can help to improve the quality of a presentation. 


Despite the success, I feel that there were areas of the presentation that could have been improved to make our proposal even more impactful. 

Some of the improvements I was able to identify are listed below;


  • Although we spoke clearly, some points were missed information and at other points information was repeated, by practicing the presentation more mistakes like this could have been avoided. 
  • As we were reading bullet points off presenter view on Microsoft Powerpoint, both me and Joe were packed like sardines behind the mac. In future, this problem could be surpassed by practicing the presentation until we know its contents without the bullet points or by making simple singular word notes on a piece of paper.  

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