After today's briefing we were allocated groups and a two hour time slot so we could arrange some critiques to review our current progress with the extended practice module.
The groups were relatively small and so we allocated a ten minute time slot for each person in which they would present their work, pose questions and receive feedback.
As I have been concentrating predominantly on my COP research and development I have only made a proper start on one brief, the house plant company branding, and so this is the project I chose to focus on during the critique.
In preparation for the critique I made a power point presentation that summarised the brief and gave context to my current progression, this allowed me to receive informed feedback from the rest of the group as they understood why certain project decisions have been made.
- Research focused on 1970's interiors after my tutorial with Danny.
- Colour scheme derived from 1970's aesthetic research.
- Initial logo icon developed from sketches.
- Icon development.
- Balancing with typographic element.
- Current choice for the logo/icon combination.
After I finished presenting I recieved verbak feedback which I made note of in my sketchbook;
- Capital letters inconsistent on logo/icon combination - develop and make more consistent.
- Advertisements produced could have an informal approach and use puns to appeal to the outlined audience.
- Shop location - Consider broadening the range of the branding, a shop location could also be considered as an aspect of the project.
- Additionally, an internet based shop could also be considered. Shopping on the internet is easy and simple similar to the identity and nature of the products sold.
- Plant packaging - how will the products be packaged?
- Re-think the timescale of the project, this could be extended so the additional outcomes could be produced as part of the submission.
Firstly, I found today's critique really useful as it allowed me to present my current progression with the project and receive some relevant and applicable feedback.
In preparation for the project I created a simple power point presentation in which I first introduced the brief, its timescale, the background and target audience. By talking through the specifics of the project I was able to give context to my current progression with the brief and subsequently evidence why I have made the choices and design decisions I have. Additionally, by informing the group of the project specifics allowed them to give focused and relevant feedback as they understood the context behind my design decisions and project direction.
To help me progress from the critique I reviewed and analysed the feedback I received and outlined points that I will use to help my project develop;
- Refine logo - make the characters on the type/icon combination logo consistent.
- Rethink project timescale - Extend the deadline and consider additional outcomes such as a shop location, product packaging and internet campaign.
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